
搜狐焦点宣城站 2024-05-13 12:39:19











为了打造恒久的魅力与价值,新湖携手发展商理想特别邀请tonychi studio创始人、世界级设计大师季裕棠先生作为顾问及美学指导,为天潼198注入国际先进设计思想。

今天的上海,既现代摩登又不失烟火气息;今天的上海人,既热衷都会生活又流连里弄腔调。面对日益多元的审美视野,季先生带来了一种与时俱进的设计理念——“white box”,强调绿色环保与可持续发展,把空间的主权更多地交还给未来居者。

white box”的核心概念近似中国人熟悉的“留白”,讲求删繁就简,韵味无穷。留白的目的在于追求节奏感和韵律感,通过欣赏者的审美联想,获得一种意象空间,给人以无尽的想象,使观者先入为主的去丰富它。



white box”选择玄关、卫生间以及厨房作为展现价值感的重心,选材与工艺极尽考究,给予居者优雅、舒适、高端的使用体验。此外的空间则纯粹而静谧,可以根据主人的偏好安放不同色彩、不同类型的家具、收藏品与艺术品。

“大拙若巧 举重若轻”的“white box”理念,凭借创新突破引领当前中国设计主流走向,为行业提供了全新的发展方向参考,也为上海开创了全新的顶阶生活审美观。





在“white box” 的理念框架中,重新审视比例、色系与质感,以“living essentials(生活的必需)”为基础,拓宽功能的多样性、美感的丰富性,让审美滋养生活。




黄铜门锁系统,是门厅中无法掠过的视觉焦点,它极具质感,与空间的美学特征统一。Design333特别请了Von Morris创始人Eric Morris一同探讨样板间与整个项目所需要的门把手设计,经过了对饰面、手感、形制的多轮讨论与打样,研发出了一款天潼198项目限定的门把手。

悬挂的画作《Balancing Thoughts》来自艺术家Jean Kenna,丰富的色彩传递着空间的情绪,也奠定了整体基调。











设计师于此放置了一张来自20世纪30年代的Art Deco 扶手椅,并通过法国品牌Métaphores的提花面料,重构椅面的色彩与质感,顺应着上海滩的复古风潮,让古典家具以崭新的容貌重回生活。






餐桌上盛放的热带花卉与橘色亚麻帆布面壁纸,一同传递出热烈的情感,一幅展现自然风光的画作《The Old Walnut Tree B》丰富了空间的色调,在贵雅的氛围中妆点质朴与原始的美。
















320㎡美学样板间(公寓),以美为关键词,链接人与空间,通过疏密有度的体验,为人们保留了一份畅想未来的惬意。随着阅历增长、生活积累,稳定的审美体系逐渐成形,人们会愈发期待如“white box”一般的生活场域,以此唤醒与内在的对话,实现美的表达。




























Shanghai Hongkou North Bund Tiantong Village [Tiantong 198]

Sales office phone number: 400-886-2334 (appointment hotline)

If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to buy a house with a professional perspective.

Tiantongli [Tiantong 198] Sales Office Hotline: 400-886-2334 [Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline: 400-886-2334 Sales Office Address: 400-886-2334. This phone number provides developers with online sales phone numbers and comprehensive introductions to real estate projects (including real estate details, latest house prices, layout plans, plot ratio, community supporting environment, real estate introduction, sales office location, layout plan, transportation planning, filing price, project supporting facilities, real estate details, sales office phone numbers, latest news, latest details, latest progress, etc.)

Disclaimer: The article content is sourced from the internet and is only for sharing. The copyright belongs to the original author!! If there is any infringement, please contact us and we will handle it as soon as possible!

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Starting from Waibaidu Bridge and heading south, 52 buildings of different styles from other countries are like "solidified epics", constituting the most well-known city cover in Shanghai.

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The Bund belongs to the world, and even more so to Shanghai. It carries the rich history of Shanghai and embodies the open urban spirit. It is like an indelible imprint, shining brightly on the map of Shanghai.

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By the Garden Bridge of Shanghai, Tiantongli [Tiantong 198] Sales office Tel: 400-886-2334 [Sales hotline] Marketing center hotline: 400-886-2334 Sales office address: 400-886-2334.

In order to create long-lasting charm and value, New Lake has partnered with developer Ideal to specially invite Mr. Ji Yutang, founder of Tonychi Studio and world-class design master, as a consultant and aesthetic guide, to inject international advanced design ideas into the Tiantong 198.

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Today's Shanghai is both modern and full of fireworks atmosphere; Today's Shanghai people are both passionate about urban life and lingering in the local accent. Faced with an increasingly diverse aesthetic perspective, Mr. Ji has brought a progressive design concept - "white box", emphasizing green environmental protection and sustainable development, and giving more sovereignty over space to future residents.

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The core concept of "white box" is similar to the familiar "blank space" of Chinese people, emphasizing simplification and endless charm. The purpose of leaving blank space is to pursue a sense of rhythm and rhythm, and to obtain an imagery space through the aesthetic association of the viewer, giving people endless imagination and allowing the viewer to preconceive and enrich it.

During the Southern Song Dynasty, "blank space" achieved great artistic achievements. But today, people can no longer replicate the Song style blank space, because its key is not only to extend boundless emotions with precise lines, but also to fully express the thickness and level of the brush and ink on Song Dynasty painting paper.

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A piece of Song paper costs a thousand taels of gold. Only Song paper with extremely complex production techniques can perfectly present the beauty of blank space; Only meticulous quality hard furnishings can perfectly adapt to every home style.

The "white box" selects the foyer, bathroom, and kitchen as the focus of showcasing value, with meticulous selection of materials and craftsmanship, providing residents with an elegant, comfortable, and high-end user experience. In addition, the space is pure and quiet, allowing for the placement of furniture, collectibles, and artworks of different colors and types according to the owner's preferences.

The "white box" concept of "clumsiness like cleverness, lifting heavy weights like lightness" has led the current mainstream trend of Chinese design with innovative breakthroughs, providing a new development direction for the industry and creating a new top-level aesthetic for Shanghai.

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Xinhu has been deeply involved in the industry for decades and is well versed in the aesthetics and needs of the financial and intellectual circles. Together with Ms. Li Yien, founder of Design333, we have established an international living coordinate for Shanghai. Based on urban history, we have condensed new and old elements, as well as east-west fashion, into a 320 square meter aesthetic model house (apartment) in the Tiantong 198 project.

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The model house abandons the conventional practice of being straightforward and straightforward, and focuses more on visual richness, diversity of collections, and the atmosphere of the space. Based on a unique fusion of concepts, the virtual and real layers progress, shaping a brand new spatial experience.

The elements of ups and downs are the key to building a sense of rhythm. By using furniture, partitions, decorations, etc. of different heights, spatial changes and layers are created. These rhythm points and focal points can help people experience visual pauses and changes as they flow in space.

In the construction full of artistic atmosphere, the model house transforms into a diverse private art museum, fully showcasing personalized aesthetics and activating inspirational life.

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In the conceptual framework of "white box", re-examine proportion, color scheme, and texture, based on "living essentials", broaden the diversity of functions and the richness of aesthetics, and let aesthetics nourish life.

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The foyer is a prelude to spatial transition, serving as a rhythm transition between the external world and the private realm. By combining materials, textures, and tones, create a cinematic homecoming scene. As an important component of space, artworks are appropriately adorned to showcase the owner's elegance and interest at a glance.

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The entrance has variability and multiple functions, with wallpapers blending Eastern and Western colors and patterns. In addition to changing clothes, antique writing tables are also placed to convey information and slow paced lifestyles through handwritten text. The decoration and functions of the space are enriched, and the perspective of the eyes becomes more diverse.

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The hard decoration is combined with wood veneer and beige stone, with the original texture of the material, expressing the traces of vicissitudes after experiencing time. The marble floor is inlaid with exquisite metal strips, retaining the original texture of the material. The wooden veneer is complemented by soft lighting, creating a peaceful and clear atmosphere for returning home.

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The brass door lock system is a visual focal point that cannot be skimmed through in the lobby. It is highly textured and unified with the aesthetic characteristics of the space. Design333 specially invited Eric Morris, founder of Von Morris, to discuss the door handle design required for the sample room and the entire project. After multiple rounds of discussion and sampling on the decoration, feel, and shape, a door handle limited to the Tiantong 198 project was developed.

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The hanging painting "Balancing Thoughts" is from artist Jean Kenna, and the rich colors convey the emotions of space, laying the overall tone.

Tiantongli [Tiantong 198] Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline: 400-886-2334 Sales Office Address: 400-886-2334

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The artistic glass sliding doors on both sides of the painting are the result of multiple hand carved works by professional craftsmen. With the changes in light angle and brightness, they bloom with distinct beauty.

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The often overlooked baseboard blooms with the ingenuity of designers. The combination of stone and sloping design gives the baseboard a unique architectural aesthetic.

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The living room is a blank space, and a whole stone wall brings theme to the living room. The beige cave stone is a commonly used material by modernist masters in the 20th century, creating a pure and harmonious contrast with furniture and art from different eras.

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The living room is also a flowing space, creating an unrestricted social space through "free and flexible combinations". Furniture is arranged in a way that connects but not blocks, and separates but not blocks. The eye-catching artworks and scattered furniture enrich the visual hierarchy of the space.

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The multifunctional long table in the main location can be used as a desk for studying, setting up tables for gatherings and cold meals, or as an art display table, blending art and space. At the same time, the large long table also serves to blur the corridor and living room space, invisibly amplifying the sense of hierarchy and adding functionality to the space.

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Tiantongli [Tiantong 198] Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline: 400-886-2334 Sales Office Address: 400-886-2334

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Formal large sofa area, flexible seating area, furniture emphasizes diversity of collection types, Chinese style circular chairs, Western style small sofas, flexible movement, can be gathered or scattered according to needs. The hand woven retro Persian wool carpet, dyed with natural dyes from plants and minerals, has the beauty of resisting time erosion and increases the richness of collection, which is a reflection of high taste.

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The newly integrated high cabinet is placed in front of the cave stone wall, and the matte and textured beige cave stones highlight the depth and tranquility of the glossy black paint. The Chinese style nanmu hanging screen embedded in the cabinet is undoubtedly the finishing touch, using vermilion gilding technology to color the characters and patterns, showcasing the possibility of perfect integration between tradition and modernity.

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On the other end of the living room, there is a medium space connecting the interior and exterior, where hosts and guests can enjoy wine and cigars. The seemingly independent space actually extends the functionality of the living room and also extends the view from the outside window to the interior.

The designer placed an Art Deco armchair from the 1930s here, and reconstructed the color and texture of the chair surface using French brand M é taphores jacquard fabric, in line with the retro trend of Shanghai Beach, bringing classical furniture back to life with a brand new appearance.

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Leaning against the window, one can see both the bustling cityscape of New Shanghai and the classical brick walls of Old Shanghai, creating a flowing backdrop of life.

A wife who discusses art trends with three or five friends, a gentleman who studies cutting-edge industry consulting, and a child who explores the mysteries of the world. Each family member is the master of the space and can create the desired scene and atmosphere.

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Tiantongli [Tiantong 198] Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline: 400-886-2334 Sales Office Address: 400-886-2334

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Using the restaurant as a carrier, reconstruct the relationship between people and space, and create intimate contact between people and various functions, allowing people to dominate the space and become the protagonist of the space.

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Light is the soul of space. In order to carve a light sensitive restaurant, the designer specially selected a glossy paint ceiling and a whole white high gloss baked paint wall panel to increase light reflection, outlining a golden texture outline for the space. Even on cloudy days, one can still feel the warm atmosphere of afternoon sunshine in the restaurant.

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The tropical flowers in full bloom on the table and the orange linen canvas wallpaper together convey a warm emotion. The Old Walnut Tree B, a painting showing the natural scenery, enriches the color of the space, and adorns the simple and primitive beauty in the elegant atmosphere.

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The bedroom is simple and simple, with a calm and warm color scheme and materials, creating a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere. A landscape garden embroidered screen embellishes it, giving people a comfortable and relaxed feeling. Mobile furniture combination, both independent and interconnected, facilitates emotional exchange.

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The spatial layout is dominated by meeting daily needs, with clear division of functional areas for rest, dressing, and reading. At the same time, it increases the linkage with outdoor landscapes, bringing scenery into the room and echoing both inside and outside.

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Sales Center Phone: 400-886-2334 (Kind Reminder: The sample room for this project is subject to reservation. In order not to delay your itinerary, please call in advance to make an appointment for viewing or inquire about project details when visiting)

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Order is the key to the layout of the main bathroom space. Two independent basins stand opposite each other, belonging to male and female owners, creating a calm and comfortable user experience. Large areas of black and white contrasting marble are used to blend the beauty of spatial order with the natural beauty of materials, creating a visually appealing atmosphere.

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The overall modern atmosphere of the bedroom continues, with smooth and bright lighting atmosphere. The placement of a full display cabinet breaks through the functional constraints of the bathroom space, balancing practicality and aesthetic expression.

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A bright color jumps out of the elegant bathroom space. The faucet set from the White House brand Kalista is specially designed for the Tiantong 198 project, featuring a retro ceramic red color that is gorgeous and traditional, echoing the project's red brick style.

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The walk-in closet is hidden inside the bathroom, creating an integrated experience. The metal texture of the cabinet material contrasts with the bathroom stone, adding visual richness.

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The design team's handling of the kitchen has opened up another perspective for us to examine spatial relationships.

The kitchen adopts a migratory three-dimensional layout, with half being a "working kitchen" and the hidden Chinese style kitchen inside, effectively avoiding the leakage of oil fumes. Whether cooked, fried or grilled, the space remains fresh outside.

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The other half is a "social kitchen," a Western style kitchen that stands out from the outside, maintaining a good visual relationship with the restaurant. While cooking Western food, it can communicate and interact with family and friends without hindrance, sharing fun. Install a set of glass cabinets to showcase the owner's collection of tableware, making the kitchen a place of artistic immersion.

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One in one, one in the west, one hidden and one visible, the space progresses, the interest doubles, and the journey of exploring lifestyle also unfolds from here.

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Sales Center Phone: 400-886-2334 (Kind Reminder: The sample room for this project is subject to reservation. In order not to delay your itinerary, please call in advance to make an appointment for viewing or inquire about project details when visiting)
